Tax Return
The creation of a company is a project that requires a lot of preparation, a bad decision could have an impact on the future of the company...
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The creation of a company is a project that requires a lot of preparation, a bad decision could have an impact on the future of the company...
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Accounting and Salary Management
Accounting is a financial data management tool that lets companies and organizations such as associations and...
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The value-added tax is an indirect tax collected and perceived by the confederation at different stages of production and distribution...
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Corporate Tax Retun
According to the Swiss law, the word legal entity comprises limited liability companies, limited companies...
Read moreLegal entity tax return
According to Swiss law, the term legal entity includes liability companies
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Investing in Switzerland
03 July 2023
Investing in the Swiss stock market
03 July 2023
Geneva rejects tax increases
03 July 2023
What impact do SMEs have on the Swiss economy?
03 July 2023
How is inflation behaving in Switzerland?
03 July 2023
Geneva rejects tax increases
Geneva rejects tax hikes The Swiss authorities have recently taken new measures with regard to taxation. According to our information, Geneva's large fortunes are now exempt from the solidarity contribution. At the same time, the law on the taxation of real estate has been revised. Read on to find out more. Large fortunes will no longer pay the solidarity contribution It's now official. In Geneva, people with a fortune of more than 3 million Swiss francs will no longer pay the solidarity contribution. At least, that's what emerged from the ballot count at the end of a recent parliamentary vote on an initiative by the left and the unions. If this law had been passed, it wou...
03 July 2023
Contribution to the 3rd pillar
The 3rd pillar is an old age, survivors' and invalidity pension system included in the Swiss constitution, it serves mainly to supplement the 1st and 2nd pillar income. In contrast to the 1st and 2nd pillar, the maximum contribution to the linked 3rd pillar for employees is CHF 6,826 per yea...
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Contribution to the 2nd pillar
In addition to the first pillar (AVS), the law provides for a second contribution, the so-called 2nd pillar, which is compulsory for all employees with an annual salary of more than CHF 21,330; this contribution is shared between the employee and the employer, who must pay at least 50% of the con...
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Choice of canton and municipality
The Swiss tax system is characterised by the sovereignty of the cantons, which define the tax rates for individuals and companies according to their needs. This obviously creates a certain amount of competition between the cantons, which try to attract more and more activities to their territorie...
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Asserting dependants
You can claim the deduction for dependants even if the person lives abroad, but you must prove that you are helping the person financially (bank or postal transfers, money transfers, bill payments, etc.) The dependant must be unable to support himself or herself, the tax authorities sometimes as...
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Deduct the costs of further training, retraining, reintegration
The costs of further training, retraining and reintegration are fully deductible according to the tax law, but training includes the acquisition of new knowledge completely different from one's profession or field of activity, which is why training is not deductible under the tax definition. Fur...
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Deduction of medical expenses
As a rule, you cannot miss the deduction of the health insurance lump sum in your tax return.The cantonal tax authorities will take over the deduction even if you do not claim it on your tax return, but the deductible lump sum for your health insurance depends on the canton of residence according...
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